About dating tips

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I thought I would bring you the top 10 dating tips I along the way in the hope of assisting and enlightening those who need assistance. If you are new to the dating scene, a regular or just simply someone trying someone new there should always be time for top dating tips, advice, information and things to consider. None of us are dating experts otherwise we a magic formula to present to others. And no, looks are not the magic formula otherwise all supermodels blissfully happy - which they are not my friend. Good looking people the world over struggle when it comes to affairs of the heart. Think of all the major figures in history who in matters of romance.

The truth is, there are no magic formulas, no perfect tricks of the trade, no cunning ways of trapping Mr. or Miss Right and no top dating tips that wave a magic wand. But there are some essential facts that you should always bear in mind along the way. Dating tips are just that - tips, they are not promises in stone and different things will always work differently for different people. However, I that there are some threads of advice that keep cropping up and therefore it is worth reiterating my top 10 tips here.